Odia Love Shayari-Looking for the best Odia Love Shayari quotes and pictures, photos and images? To welcome the Odia Love Shayari , we have rounded up some beautiful Hello Odia Love Shayari image talks, wallpapers and pictures.
Odia love Shayari 2020 |
1.I remember when you fell in love, My mind is full of me. Every day you come dreaming, The dream seems true.
Odia Romantic Shayari |
2. You are my everything you are my love Take me you hold me There is no hope without you, You are my love priest
Odia Top Shayari |
3.I haven't finished writing yet No matter how much you write, Some realities, some dreams Nothing to say!
Odia Sad Shayari
4.From all the flowers all over the world Beautiful smile, The one who loves the flower of laughter Is the best
Odia Breakup Shayari |
5.As you walk, your lotus blossoms, honey dripping with laughter; Tell me your cock, tell me once I LOVE YOU!
Odia 2020 Top Shayari |
6.If you say you love me That doesn't matter, Keep up the good content Can't be loved
Odia Shayari |
7.What a parable goddess you are In four words, Go write your story Four centuries may pass
Love Odia Shayari |
8.Love always wants to read, What a wonderful lesson, Amania doesn't mind, Eddie is evil
Odia Love Shayari |
9.The sound of footsteps is the sound of music My mind is filled with tears streaming down my face
Odia Happy Shayari |
10.Your face is like a lotus flower Talking eyes .... Shame on you Lakhi was watching
Odia Love Shayaru |